What is Lale?

The European refugee crisis is the largest socio-economic challenge in decades and the true test of our shared humanitarian values as Europeans. Long-term, sustainable solutions need to be carried by a majority of citizens and lead to durable support and meaningful integration of displaced people until they can safely return to their home countries.

Lale’s mission is to organize the coordination, communication and execution of hands-on help by volunteers in local helper circles. We aim to simplify the management of volunteer groups and to engage as many individuals as possible in the act of helping others. If everyone helps just once, we can build bridges that lead to human connections and true integration.

Why should we help at all?

Lale is about helping. It is about helping us all.

In a world which gets increasingly interconnected, the problem that someone else has today may soon become my own problem. By helping others I also solve possible problems I may face in the future.

Helping refugees is first of all a humanitarian duty for all of us. As soon as you advocate a lifestyle free from barbarity and suppression you want to live in a humane society. Helping others in your local environment will have effects elsewhere on the globe. Giving shelter and food in your town to refugees mistreated and expelled from their homes due to wars may give them the necessary energy to free their homeland from war. Then they can return to rebuild their countries, farm their home land and start trade with your local business which will raise prosperity for both sides.

By helping others we are helping ourselves. We are all interconnected.

Why do we need Lale to help others?

Lale wants to harness information technology to multiply the work of a single helper and the work of helper organizations. Helping is a process with several steps. The actual help is often a very small efforts such as taking care of children for one hour, filling out a form together, translating a CV into local language or repairing a flat bicycle tire. But it takes a great amount of energy and effort to organize the help itself until someone can directly support an individual in need.

Information technology allows new efficient ways to communicate and work with one another. By utilizing information technology a crowd could be more efficient, more agile, faster and even at times more intelligent than a rigid organization.

Let the helpers do all the help and let Lale care about organizing the help. So that there is more time for direct personal help to people and minimal time spent for administration.

Why is Lale called “Lale”?

Lale (pronounced Laa-LEY), is a girls name in the Persian language. It means “tulip” and this is represented in our logo. Lale was also the name of an infant girl in one of the refugee camps in Germany. Just 5 months old, she couldn’t possibly comprehend the future that lies ahead of her.

Lale stands as a symbol for all children refugees affected by the current crisis. The tulip stands as a symbol of hope for innocent human beings to enjoy a better future.

Let the helpers do all the help and let Lale care about organizing the help. So that there is more time for direct personal help to people and minimal time spent for administration.